Climate Matters

Mission: Increase awareness of and take action with the community towards mitigating the effects of climate change

Locally (council and state)

City of Charles Sturt Council (CCS) has shown exceptional leadership in joining Cities Power Partnerships and declaring a Climate Emergency in late 2019. In 2020, CCS signed on as a founding member of national advocacy group Climate Emergency Australia. WACRA’s Climate Matters Group welcomes the opportunity to work with Council staff to position the western suburbs to mitigate and adapt to climate change, a recognised problem facing our seaside and inland suburbs, over the coming critical years.

Submission to the SA Parliamentary Inquiry into Metropolitan Adelaide’s Urban Forest (Feb 2023) (PDF)


Submission to the Climate Change Bill (27 Nov 2020) (PDF file) – WACRA has made a submission to the Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 and Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2020 inquiry. The Committee will consider carefully all the matters we have raised.


Kate Denton, Marg Easson, Steve Fuller, Deirdre Knight, Lara Lamnek, Andrea Rankin, Julie Whitehead

Contact (email): Andrea Rankin or Julie Whitehead

SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant and Time bound

  1. Liaison with AdaptWest
  2. Tree canopy (propagation, protection etc)
  3. Verges and feature streets/gardens
  4. Public events/communication

Projects (from SMART goals)

My Tree Project (MTP)

The My Tree Project is an initiative that invites children from western suburbs schools to grow a tree/understory at their school/home and create an artwork about what a tree means to them.

Tree canopy

You're missing a tree!Want a street tree? Click on the image or this PDF document to find out more. Please distribute this flier in local streets where street trees are missing.

  1. Kate Denton’s and Pedro Schultz’s deputations to Council (pp 6-19 and 21-35) 25 January 2021 re budgeting to increase tree canopy
  2. Minutes 28 June 2021 Charles Sturt Council meeting – see 4.25 for Mark Hannan’s presentation on ‘GROWING GREEN: Tree Canopy Improvement Strategy 2021 – 2045′
  3. Julie Whitehead’s deputation to Council 28 June 2021 (PDF) in support of the ‘GROWING GREEN’ strategy
  4. WACRA September 2021 submission to the GROWING GREEN strategy (PDF)

Thanks for your tree
Promote tree care in your neighbourhood

Show appreciation to your neighbours if they have a tree on their property that they care about (that is, they are not chopping it down). Print this flyer and put it in their letterbox.